Welcome Bot Creators!

Thanks for becoming a certified Bot Creator with our Agency! You went through the effort of getting certified and we appreciate your hard work. You are now in an elite group that Bot Academy can confidently send leads to. Read on to see what the process is for potential leads.

What Bot Academy Does

  1. Bot Academy collects information from potential clients looking to hire a pro bot creator through our form here.
  2. We’ll forward the form responses directly to you so you can see what the client is about.
  3. You’ll confirm that you’re available for the project.
  4. We’ll send an introduction email to connect you directly with the client.

What You Do

  • You will setup the discovery/sales call with the lead as soon as you can.
  • You will price the bot as you see appropriate.
  • You will collect payment directly.

You’ll be communicating with Marisela Khalili, VP of Operations at Bot Academy. Please add Marisela@BotAcademy.com to your contacts to make sure you get her emails.

Also, don’t forget to download your certified badge so you can add it to your website, profile, etc.

We love seeing your business succeed and we’re happy we can send leads to Bot Creators in our network.

Happy Bot Building!
Team Bot Academy

Click the images below to download the Bot Academy badges!

Large .png (Download link here)

Small .png (Download link)



Format .ai (Download link)