TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Welcome to the Party):
If you are ready to discover your profitable niche, and the 3 Truths for building a profitable business via conversational marketing, click below...
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Welcome to the Party):
Which do you need help with first...
Choosing a Profitable Niche
3 Truths to Mastering the Marketing Solution you offer to clients?
Chat & NFT Training
CODESNIPPET..(app_b01/MKJ's Calendar):
QUIZ..(app_b01/Let's Chat NFT's Cou):
Hey Chat/NFT buddies ~ Please take about 5 - 10 minutes to answer these multiple choice questions about the content we will cover during our time together in this course. Please don't worry if you don't know the answer to something. Simply answer to the best of your knowledge. By doing so, you will help us put together the most impactful course for you!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thank You! We Can't ):
I am so happy you shared your knowledge and expertise with me in this survey. This will help to ensure I deliver beyond what you might expect.
Be sure to add this event to your calendar so you can attend live and get all your questions answered.
The community can help us grow faster than the individual members ever could!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Welcome To The Party):
Our M.I.S.C.H.I.E.F. Success Assessment is a series of questions across the 5 core categories of coaching, consulting, and agency success.
You will assess yourself, and share where you would like to improve, and we will score you based on your multiple choice answers.
These scores will result in immediate access to core actions you can take as first steps toward the very improvement you seek. Not to mention… you get strategic help during the assessment based on your answers.
Each of the five categories takes on average 2 min. to complete, and just a few more if you choose to watch some training videos along the way.
You won’t be able to pause the assessment, so make sure you have time to finish! if you love tech and marketing as much as I do, you will have lots of fun along the way, I assure you!
Why is choosing a Niche important?Why do I need to go deep into the pains of a particular Niche in order to create a high-converting strategy?Why is copy and persona the most important part of my conversational marketing experience, instead of the tech?What tech should I use for the conversational experience I build for my audience?
We've got all the answers for you in this section.
Does cold outreach beat relationship, organic marketing for prospecting for agencies?Can you automate relationship-based outreach for prospecting?How can you increase customer retention by prospecting the right way?
This section will handle this.
No Expectations!
No Selling!
No Fear!
Deliver the exact strategy for the exact solution in the perfect tech, and you don't need to sell.
You sold the client....
NOW comes the fun part!
Deliver your solution beyond expectations!
The next client comes automatically because you continue PROSPECTING.
That allows you to continue selling, and onboarding new clients.
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/We Teach How To Buil):
We help you gain ManyChat & Website Chatbot marketing expertise
All-In-One Marketing, Sales, Membership, Agency & CRM Platform
TaskBots to help automate ANY manual process performed on a the internet
All-In-One Website, Marketing, Sales, CRM, Chatbot, Email, SMS, Video & Endorsed Sharing Platform
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Start Assessment!):
Our 7 Minute M.I.S.C.H.I.E.F. Business Success Assessment is a series of questions across the 5 core categories of service business success. You will assess yourself, and share where you would like to improve, and we will score you based on your multiple choice answers. These scores will result in immediate access to core actions you can take as first steps toward the very improvement you seek. Not to mention… you get strategic help during the assessment based on your answers. You won’t be able to pause the assessment, so make sure you have about 7 minutes available to finish!
QUIZ..(app_b01/Bot Academy Mastery ):
Welcome! Our Success Assessment is a series of questions across the 5 core categories of agency success. You will assess yourself, and share where you would like to improve, and we will score you based on your multiple choice answers. These scores will result in immediate access to core actions you can take as first steps toward the very improvement you seek. Not to mention… you get strategic help during the assessment based on your answers. You won’t be able to pause the assessment, so please make sure you have about 7 minutes time to finish! Our first few questions are about you and your business...
The solution you offer clients is made up of several moving parts. Each of them is dependent on the other, and they are all dependent on you and your team.
How would you rate your marketing knowledge?
How would you rate your Technical Knowledge, or your skill level around what you want to offer clients?
Thank you for letting me know that technology is new to you!I suggest that you determine which tech you want to master, find some tutorials on YouTube, or within the support videos for your chosen tool, and play around building before you go any further.
I can help you build a business around a specific skill, but if you don't have that skill yet, I can't help you build that business.
I hope to see you very soon as you develop your skill!
How would you rate your Copy Knowledge?
Copy is actually more important than the tech you use to communicate it! Are you ready to learn about what I call Face-Tweet (chatting on FB like you were on Twitter)?
QUIZ..(app_b01/Bot Academy Mastery ):
Welcome! Our Success Assessment is a series of questions across the 5 core categories of agency success. You will assess yourself, and share where you would like to improve, and we will score you based on your multiple choice answers. These scores will result in immediate access to core actions you can take as first steps toward the very improvement you seek. Not to mention… you get strategic help during the assessment based on your answers. You won’t be able to pause the assessment, so please make sure you have about 7 minutes time to finish! Our first few questions are about you and your business...
How you find and interact with potential clients sets the tone for your brand reputation. Relationships or cold outreach create the basis for your brand communication.
Do you simply need Cash now or are you looking to Scale a business?
Do you prefer finding clients by Cold Prospecting or by Relationship Building?
When things get difficult, you get Creative or get Overwhelmed?
Sales and discovery calls are where your business lives or dies. The way you approach these interactions determine the success of your brand.
What is your Current monthly profit range?
Which of the following might be your goal in the next 60 days?
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Share the FB Post, t):
Click the button below to get your 3 points by also sharing the FB post with your friends!
When you click below, you will go to the post on FB that you need to share.
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thanks a Bunch! ):
You finished the assessment, and I can't wait to share next steps with you!
The Mastery Membership is officially open, and we are starting the next cohort in October.
Since you completed the assessment and got to this page, you are qualified to take the final steps to see if Mastery would be exactly what you need to reach your 60 day goal.
You are ready to schedule a chat with me. Please click the "Schedule a Call" button below. My purpose for this call is to give you specific steps to get to that 60 day goal using the quickest path possible.
I hope to chat soon!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Please Add June 30th):
Hi there and welcome,
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.When: Jun 30, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Topic: The 3 Mandatory Tools to Beat Every Excuse You're Probably Using to Stay Stuck!
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile : US: +16699006833,,93210328233# or +13462487799,,93210328233# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 932 1032 8233 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/abQGJX7NfO
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Please Add July 1st ):
Hi there and welcome,
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.When: Jul 1, 2021 09:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Topic: The 3 Mandatory Tools to Beat Every Excuse You're Probably Using to Stay Stuck!
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile : US: +16699006833,,99000010336# or +12532158782,,99000010336# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 990 0001 0336 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/akCVmt19D
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Please Add July 6th ):
Hi there,
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.When: Jul 6, 2021 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Topic: The 3 Mandatory Tools to Beat Every Excuse You're Probably Using to Stay Stuck!
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile : US: +16699006833,,98313964546# or +12532158782,,98313964546# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 983 1396 4546 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aebjsd29cp
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thanks a Bunch! ):
I can't wait see you soon!Watch your email, and text messages for reminders on the workshop you signed up for, and in the meantime, you can test your technical and copy knowledge with a little quiz I put together for you...If you're game, click the button below to get started - should take you about 5 minutes.Cheers!
Your #1 Resource to Becoming a
Uniquely Successful Agency CEOHere is what you get:
QUIZ..(app_b01/Hey BAM Fam):
It's Sam Groff, MKJ's Operations Manager checking in with a request. Can you please take about 5 minutes out of your day to answer a few short survey questions. The goal to get your feedback on YOUR progress over the past year, your goals moving forward, and your relationship with MKJ. I would also like to know about her training and overall impact on you and your business. If you're, here's the first question:
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thank You, and Welco):
YAY! I can't wait to see how we grow your business together!Click the button below to join the Mastery Membership platform.
See you soon in the Bootcamps and Mastery calls!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/2 Ways You Are Build):
Are you a chatbot builder with reasonable skills and experience in conversational marketing, and you are frustrated when prospects tell you, "I've tried chatbots, and they don't work" or "I was shut down by Facebook, and can't have my revenue dependent on Zuck? Do you keep seeing all the buzz about Web3, Crypto, NFT's, DAO's, and Decentralized Finance, and feel pulled by FOMO to switch your focus entirely?
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/When I took over Bot):
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Are these some of th):
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Ready For These 3 Ma):
MOMENTUM THROUGH FOCUS - If you are still dependent on social or website based chatbots, or the promise of Mobile Wallet mass adoption, you are probably not yet running a multiple 6-figure business, I can almost guarantee your biggest issue is lack of clarity on the niches you serve, and the response you need to have in the ever-changing marketing landscape to help those businesses be successful.. Discover the ONE shift you need to make to become clear and serve these clients at a deeper level as Web3 communities and consensus takes over marketing.
DIVERSIFY YOUR SKILLS TO MAKE MORE MONEY - If you stay caught up in day to day custom chatbot or marketing work for clients or customers, you are like a chef with only one signature dish, when your clients have a varied and sophisticated pallet. Contractors like that are easily replaced. I'll show you how you can adapt your technical and copywriting skills to serve different aspects of your clients' business and marketing needs as we and our members have done.
MONETIZE THE TECH THAT FITS YOUR FUTURE - Once you have clarity, and you differentiate your skills, you can use any marketing platform or tech to monetize your service to clients. I will show you several tools that will free you up to serve the multiple technical and marketing needs of clients, whenever and at whatever price point your clients need them, without asking ANYONE for permission! Own your IP! Own your data! Own your skills! Monetize your expertise at all levels! I will show you how I and my students are going way beyond chatbot building, mobile wallet re-engagement and GHL integration to truly monetize and future-proof our expertise.
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/When Will I See You?):
Okay, my friend...I will be conducting three workshops, so pick one, and join me to uncover the 3 mandatory tools you need NOW to finally get OFF the revenue rollercoaster, and beat every excuse you're probably using to stay stuck!Pick the date and time below that best fits your schedule, and come prepared to see how you can adapt your current service-based business skills to your new successfully consistent revenue future!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thank You for your i):
I am so happy to share this free training and expertise to uncover the 2 ways you are probably building bots WRONG, and 3 Tools to do it RIGHT
Watch the Training NOW!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Introducing The Bot ):
Okay, my friend...
Are you ready to learn about the Bot Academy Success Path?
If you are ready to apply what you learn during this adventure, you will come away with a breakthrough in your life that will allow you to rocket your business revenue quickly.
MOMENTUM THROUGH CLARITY - If you're not yet running a multiple 6-figure business, I can almost guarantee your biggest issue is lack of clarity. Discover the ONE shift you need to make to become clear and serve higher ticket clients.
FLY HIGHER, DIFFERENTIATE YOUR MESSAGE, MAKE MORE MONEY - If you stay caught up in day to day work for clients or customers, you're basically a contractor, and that is how clients will see you. Low-ticket contractors like that are easily replaced. I'll show you how you can change that!
USE THE TECH THAT FITS YOUR FUTURE - Once you have clarity, and you differentiate your message, you can use any marketing platform or tech to monetize your conversations with clients. I will show you the ONE tool that will free you up to have whatever conversation you need, whenever your clients need it, without asking ANYONE for permission! Own your data! Own your conversations! Own your conversational monetization!
Discover Your Profitable Niche - Gain Clarity & Focus - Differentiate Yourself From All Others - Produce Consistent Revenue
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Are you sick to your):
If you find yourself saying, "I just need to work harder" to get more income, or you regularly get upset from the insecurity of your monthly revenue, then listen up!
If you would like to join a group of people who support you in making the right decisions so you are prepared for your next dip in income, so it doesn't turn into a tummy-upsetting roller coaster ride, then here are the things we cover together when you choose to join us in the Bot Academy Bootcamp.
MOMENTUM THROUGH CLARITY - If you're not yet running a consistent multiple 6-figure business, I can almost guarantee your biggest issue is lack of clarity. Discover the ONE shift you need to make to become clear and serve higher ticket clients.
FLY HIGHER, DIFFERENTIATE YOUR MESSAGE, MAKE MORE MONEY - If you stay caught up in day to day work for clients or customers, you're basically a contractor, and that is how clients will see you. Low-ticket contractors like that are easily replaced. I'll show you how you can change that!
USE THE TECH THAT FITS YOUR FUTURE - Once you have clarity, and you differentiate your message, you can use any marketing platform or tech to monetize your conversations with clients. I will show you the ONE tool that will free you up to have whatever conversation you need, whenever your clients need it, without asking ANYONE for permission! Own your data! Own your conversations! Own your conversational monetization!
Gain Clarity - Differentiate You From All Others - Product Consistent Revenue
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Looks Like You're a ):
Okay, my friend...
Your assessment shows that you are ready to learn about the Bot Academy Bootcamp, so click the button below to watch the replay of the training to see if you agree.
If you are ready to apply what you learn when you join us for this free training, you will come away with a breakthrough in your life that will allow you to rocket your business revenue quickly.
MOMENTUM THROUGH CLARITY - If you're not yet running a multiple 6-figure business, I can almost guarantee your biggest issue is lack of clarity. Discover the ONE shift you need to make to become clear and serve higher ticket clients.
FLY HIGHER, DIFFERENTIATE YOUR MESSAGE, MAKE MORE MONEY - If you stay caught up in day to day work for clients or customers, you're basically a contractor, and that is how clients will see you. Low-ticket contractors like that are easily replaced. I'll show you how you can change that!
USE THE TECH THAT FITS YOUR FUTURE - Once you have clarity, and you differentiate your message, you can use any marketing platform or tech to monetize your conversations with clients. I will show you the ONE tool that will free you up to have whatever conversation you need, whenever your clients need it, without asking ANYONE for permission! Own your data! Own your conversations! Own your conversational monetization!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Introducing The Bot ):
Okay, my friend...
You passed our assessment with flying colors, and we are ready for you to learn about the Bot Academy Mastery Success Path, so click the button below to watch the replay of the training.
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Now, if you're ready):
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/"You are confined on):
Let's tear those walls down, shall we?
In 2012 I finally started tearing down mine.
After the 2008 economic crisis, and my first business that was more like my baby failed, I was lost, and wounded.
I blamed myself completely for the decline of MommyLoves and the $60k in debt I had accumulated.
I was the one who made those decisions that resulted in this mess, and I identified with them. I just believed that I was a failure.
Those were my walls.
They were built with bricks and mortar.
They were solid and true for me at the time.
I started tearing them down in 2012, but they didn't fall until 2017.
Nine years in total it took me to get over that experience.
Nine Years!
Please don't wait nine years.
I can help you tear them down NOW!
I can help ensure that any economic crisis that might come our way doesn't make those walls stronger, but instead keeps you free.
That's what it finally took to tear mine down... trust in someone else that they could finally help me do what I wanted to do.
Andrew Warner helped me create success, and now I would love to help you.
If you would like to see where your walls might be, and how to start chipping away at them, let's start with my Success Assessment.
As you navigate some easy questions, you will be presented with appropriate short video instructions to help those walls to start the crumbling process.
Click the button below to start, and I'll see you along the way.
Chat soon,
Your Bot Academy Advocate
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/3 Steps to Beat Ever):
There are three main steps required to get clients, and rocket toward success as a chat marketer in 2021:
Step #1: Seriously, you must gain clarity.
This is a skill that allows you to know and accept where you are now, and clearly commit to where you want to go with your business. Without this step, whatever tools you try to use to prospect and conduct discovery calls will be wasted as they take you in the wrong direction.
Step #2: Now you can choose your success path.
When you know where you are in your agency, and you know what you want your revenue and client mix to be, you can now identify where you are stuck, why you are stuck there, and use that knowledge to create the new path toward your goals.
Step #3: You have your path, now you can walk it!
This step was the toughest for me. It means we need to take uncomfortable actions, and build new systems and beliefs about the success we seek. But when I finally did it, I realized that difficult and scary things are not impossible things.
Let's start with Step 1, and I'll cover Steps 2 & 3 over the next few days.
If all you're trying to do is make money as a chatbot builder by helping any client possible, and building a bot for any type of business that might come your way, you need to embrace Step #1.
You’ll never create success by creating an ad, building a simple chatbot, and trying to find some business to buy it.
Competition is too fierce and data driven, and clients don't want a chatbot!
Clients want RESULTS!
They are very clear on that, so you should be too!
That is how you can absolutely beat the competition, however. Get crystal clear on your own goals, then the niche you serve, and the results you can get for your clients. That is how you can create a successful agency that provides a chat solution that solves a deep problem for clients.
You see - people can easily copy ads & sales funnels... but nobody can copy YOU as a marketer or your unique goals and solution.
This is how my agency, Messenger Funnels has had such crazy success the last few years in the chat marketing space, and the future of chat is only getting better by the day.But I struggled with this first step for 14 years. Seriously!When I finally got clear on what I wanted, and got out of my own way to get it, my life changed, and I became a six figure agency owner in year 2.Clarity and focus on what we want, who we serve, and how we serve them to get the highest results possible - that is Step #1.
We didn’t try to beat the competition with ads or low ticket templates.
Those solutions are too noisy... not clear at all.
So... Ready to implement Step #1 for yourself?
If you want to learn more, I'm conducting a free training on all three steps this week. You can find out more when you save your seat for one of the free trainings I have this week.
In the meantime, get clear. I'll be back tomorrow with more on Step #2.
Chat soon,
Your Bot Academy Advocate
P.S. Give me 45 minutes, and I'll give you all three steps. Register for the free training NOW by clicking the button below.
CONTENT..(app_b01/WTF do I write to se):
Oh dear, if only those $47 bot templates ACTUALLY worked, right?
Instead, they take your confusion and lack of ability to deeply connect with your audience and organize it into a series of carbon-copy messages that keep you feeling paralyzed.
You’re not the only one.
For all my love of writing and ability to communicate, I too have struggled with content overwhelm.
Somehow I always struggled to find inspiration to match whatever the template messages told me I should send.
And this was BEFORE the pandemic when I actually had some variety in my days! Ha.
But the fact of the matter is that you need to find a way to put yourself out there if you’re gonna get any clients to even look at your bot, let alone book a call with you or buy your stuff, right?
This is why I developed a 7-step conversational formula that does the following:
How do we do it?
Part of the magic is that we have a deep process that we take every student on that helps them get crystal clear not just on their clients’ pain, but also on where on the continuum of their own journey the client needs to be in order to make a buying decision.
The real magic is what happens during our LIVE adventure together: the detailed feedback, suggestions and layers of customized questions my coaches and I ask you once you’ve completed the assignment. This is the extra 20% that makes our students’ messaging so clear that they can create organic relationships, and literally have $30K months.
Look, you’re going to market anyway. You have to.
And if you’re like many of our students, you’ll discover that marketing before you have your messaging dialed in is painful, expensive and corrosive, especially in the confidence department.
Nobody starts a movement alone.
So if you want support, we’re here for you. Let’s explore how we can support you in finally articulating what you do so folks are falling all over themselves wanting to work with you.
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Ready for the tool t):
Okay, If you want your customers to become your marketing department, you need the Conversational Lead Generation Lifecycle! Let's go a bit deeper.
I have a free download of my pdf walk-through of this exact concept, and how we use it to great effect in my businesses and those of my clients and students.
I've uploaded it to my Google Drive, and when you click the button below, you can download it for yourself.
I'm confident that when you use these tools in your agency or business, you will see a marked increase not only in sales, but also in satisfaction from your customers and clients.
This will help you go from a transactional relationship with prospects and customers to a truly value-based relationship with them.
Please let me know what you think. I do value your opinion and feedback.mkj@messengerfunnels.com is my direct email.
Hope to see you inside Bot Academy Mastery sometime soon!
CONTENT..(app_b01/Here is your free gi):
Okay, If you want your customers to become your marketing department, you need the Conversational Lead Generation Lifecycle! Let's go a bit deeper.
I have a free download of my pdf walk-through of this exact concept, and how we use it to great effect in my businesses and those of my clients and students.
I've uploaded it to my Google Drive, and when you click the button below, you can download it for yourself.
I'm confident that when you use these tools in your agency or business, you will see a marked increase not only in sales, but also in satisfaction from your customers and clients.
This will help you go from a transactional relationship with prospects and customers to a truly value-based relationship with them.
Please let me know what you think. I do value your opinion and feedback.
mkj@messengerfunnels.com is my direct email. :)
Hope to see you inside the Bootcamp!
SIGNIN..(app_b01/The 3 Mandatory Tool):
Sign in below to watch this FREE training that will rocket your momentum, differentiate you from any competition, and free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Are you as excited a):
Okay, my friend...
I will see you tomorrow on a Zoom webinar. When: Thursday, March 18th at 12 noon Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 3 Truths to Future Proof Your Marketing and Conversations and Get Results Quickly That You Probably Aren't Using
Here is the link to get yourself all tucked into this Rocket Ship:
Be READY to join me WITH NEW INFO tomorrow cause this will be a WILD ride.
We're almost ready to launch this Rocket Ship...Get the zoom link and put it in your calendar so you don't miss our training together.Click the button below to secure your seat, and buckle up.... ZOOM ZOOM, BABY!
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Okay! Ready to learn):
Sign in below to secure your seat for this training that will free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
MOMENTUM THROUGH CLARITY - If you're not yet running a multiple 6-figure agency, I can almost guarantee your biggest issue is lack of clarity. Discover the ONE shift you need to make to become clear and serve higher ticket clients in this first 10 minute video.
FLY HIGHER, DIFFERENTIATE YOUR MESSAGE, MAKE MORE MONEY - If you define yourself as simply "building bots" for clients, you're basically a contractor, and that is how clients will see you. Low-ticket contractors like that are easily replaced. Find out how to change that in this second 5 minute video.
POSITIONING FOR PREMIUM CLIENTS - Which takes more work to get... 60 clients at $500 each, or 6 clients at $5,000 each? Which values you more? Video 3 will help you decide which you really want in just 10 minutes.
Are you ready to get really good at the basic HUMAN things that actually DRIVE the latest and greatest tools in our constantly changing marketing technology space? Click below to get Truth #1 and start this journey with us!
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Okay! Ready to learn):
Sign in below to secure your seat for this training that will help you get clear on your mission, differentiate your message and monetize ALL your conversations... not to mention free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
When you are ready, Click Below to watch the video training you feel you need next.
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Okay! Ready to learn):
Sign in below to secure your seat for this training that will free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Okay! Ready to learn):
Sign in below to secure your seat for this training that will free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
Make that shift to Future Proof your business and Agency!
By purchasing this product you agree that there are NO REFUNDS of this LIVE, in person, online course. HOWEVER, the training will be fully recorded, so that if you miss something, we've got you covered!See the PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE links for more details and information.
Here is a reminder of what you get in the Bot Futurist BootcampMake that shift to Future Proof your business and Agency!
SIGNIN..(app_b01/Okay! Sounds like yo):
Sign in below to secure your seat for the encore of this training that will free you from FB control, and allow you to own your prospect conversations, and data without the need to ask ANYONE for permission!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Let's See If You're ):
Please answer the following questions to assess if you are a good fit for the Bot Academy Bootcamp 3 DAY LIVE EVENTQuestion 1: Which of the following BEST describes you?
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Let's See If You're ):
Please answer the following questions to assess if you are a good fit for the Bot Academy Bootcamp 3 DAY LIVE EVENTQuestion 1: Which of the following BEST describes you?
Question 2: Okay, Do you currently run and agency or business?
Question 3: Good to know! Okay, only a few more questions left, so here goes... What do you think is holding you back from the success you desire in business?
Thanks for sharing! We've found that naming a problem is a BIG step toward solving it! Next question: On average, what is your current monthly profit from your businesses?
Question 5: Do you have a track record of being successful in at least one area of your life?
Question 6: Are you prepared to invest in a program that helps you commit to doing 3 months of work in mere DAYS?
Question 7: How strong is your desire to go from Technician or Freelancer to Business CEO?
Question 8: When stuck, do you become creative and figure out a way, or do you become overwhelmed easily?
Question 9: Nice! Okay, last question... If you had to choose one of the following outcomes for your monthly business revenue, which would you choose?
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thank you! ):
You should have received a confirmation for your appointment time with MKJ. Please add this appointment to your calendar, because she will be totally committed to helping your gain clarity for your business. You will also receive reminders as your appointment time draws near. Buckle up for this Rocket Ship Ride!
We need to know where to direct you so we can be sure we have what you need. Please choose the option below that best describes where you are in your Conversational Marketing journey.
CALLTOACTION..(app_b01/Let's Chat About You):
WELCOME! It looks like we can help you get clarity around your conversational marketing, so here you go...
You have TWO options:
1. Click the button to secure your appointment with a $10 refundable deposit. Then, you will be able to secure your appointment, and when you show up to the call, MKJ will refund your deposit immediately. So, when you make that deposit, and get that call scheduled, I can get you what you need to answer ALL your questions.
2. Join the Bot Futurists Bootcamp NOW, either saving $390 with the Full Pay option, or starting your 3-Payment Plan.
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Thanks for Joining M):
Be sure to click the button below to receive invitations to further trainings in OpenlessApp. Here we go, my friends!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Looks. like you migh):
The Niche to Pitch Framework!This DIY training will help you determine the niche to focus your attention and results, and the perfect premium pitch the businesses in that niche need to succeed!Click below to find out more and join us to ROCKET your NICHE TO PITCH!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/The 3 P's to Turning):
PROCEED -Now that you have looked at the difficulty in a new way, and you have seen and chosen a new path around or through the obstacle, you are ready to ACT! Here is where your resolve will be continually tested, because success in this path you've chosen does not happen linearly.
You must PERSEVERE. So, here is our mantra in Bot Academy Bootcamp... #trustitworks
What is "it"?
It is the Process, or Procedure. Head down, and do the work.
You will succeed if you do this.
If you chose Path Option 1, you might build the template, find one restaurant willing to test it. Deploy the bot, and test and tweak until you reach the results you and the restaurant owner want. Use those results as your case study to now sell to 9 other restaurant owners who want the same results.
If you chose Path Option 2, you could do something similar with coaches.So, any time you're stuck, you now have a framework for moving forward. The only thing stopping you is the first step above. That first step is always the hardest, because it takes a mindset shift, and that is truly the hardest part of this exercise in success! Are you registered to join us to Future Proof your business or agency?Click the button below if not, or share with someone you think needs this!See you soon!
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/The 3 P's to Turn An):
PATH -Now that you have changed your perception of the situation or problem, look at the possible paths ahead of you, and assess the benefits and costs of each. EXAMPLE: Once you decide you are a CEO, and not a technician, you have many paths in front of you to reach your goal of a successful conversational marketing agency. Start by deciding on your agency goal... making $5K/mo and more might be one.
Option 1: Create and Sell 10 giveaway chatbot templates to restaurant owners at $500 each.
Option 2: Create and sell a webinar conversational marketing solution to increase show up rates by 30% to 2 coaches at $2,500 each.
Which would you prefer? What are the benefits of each to the customer, and your agency?What are the costs associated with creating, marketing and selling each?
PICK THE ONE THAT FITS YOU. (and I would challenge you to pick the one that stretches you!)
Ready for the next P?
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/The 3 P's To Turn An):
PERCEIVE -How are you looking at the obstacle, or the difficult situation? I guarantee that if you change the way you look at it, you will see ways to remove the obstacle.
EXAMPLE: Many students come to Bot Academy saying something like this, "I can't find clients to pay me to build a bot." I challenge you to change the way you look at what you do. Say something like this, and tell me how things change, "I am the CEO of a niche-focused conversational marketing agency, not a bot building contractor, and my only job is to find those businesses who need my help to pour rocket fuel on their marketing to grow revenue."
Do you see the difference? One is pleading to get paid to build a bot, and the other is demonstrating the focus and dedication to improving the marketing and revenue generation of the businesses in a particular niche.
Ultimately, the people in both examples do the same thing - build bots - but the perceived value they provide, and project to their prospects is VERY different.
Ready for the next P?
You know what I want for you right?
If you haven't heard me tell you how incredibly honored I am that you are choosing to participate in this wonderful conversational marketing journey with us, let me tell you now!
Today, as I sit in my favorite chair, with my puppy dog warming my feet, I can support you into your "Someday Just Came" journey.Do you know where this picture was taken?
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Do you know where th):
CONTENT..(app_b01/The 3 Required Skill):
There are three main skills required to be a successful chat marketer in 2021:
Skill #1: Seriously, you must focus on a specific field or niche.
This is a skill that allows you to solve a deep problem for your clients.
...whatever those problems are.
Skill #2: You must have the ability to build a conversational marketing solution that generates and/or nurtures quality leads and daily sales consistently and predictably by solving a deep problem for clients.
This 2nd skill solves the biggest problem for you, as a business or agency owner - the skill of building a fast growing conversational marketing business.
This is the serious problem most entrepreneurs are facing right now in the marketplace.
Skill #3: You must adapt your mindset to the one you need for success in the next level of your business. THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL SKILL FOR SUCCESS AT ANY LEVEL.
Mindset shifts are never easy, and almost impossible to accomplish alone.
To create success in 2021:
High-converting niche expertise required...
High-converting Conversational marketing expertise required…
High-performing CEO mindset required...
Which is why we’ve doubled down on teaching the art of high-converting niche and conversational marketing solutions over the past 4+ years.
With the proper accountability, community and training, you don’t need to stumble and go it alone.
You just need to discover the perfect niche, and build a high converting solution that helps your clients win. All the while, shift your head to accept and perform at the new level of entrepreneurship you are creating.
You’ll never beat the competition by creating a cheap ad, building a simple chatbot, and moving on to the next client. That's a freelancer, and that room is very crowded.
Competition is too fierce and data driven.
You can, however absolutely beat the competition by creating a niche-focused chat solution that solves a deep problem for clients, better than them.
You see - people can easily copy ads & sales funnels... but nobody can copy YOU as a marketer or your unique solution.
This is how Bot Academy has had such crazy success the last few years in the chat marketing space.
We didn’t try to beat the competition with ads, fancy templates, or DIY courses.
Those solutions are too noisy.
We beat the competition by creating a one-of-a-kind LIVE coaching, education and accountability EVENT that nobody else can copy. This event will provide the exact solution creation framework we have used in our niche-focused agency, Messenger Funnels, to create this exact high-converting conversational marketing for our clients. And, the change in thought processes I have had to make to achieve multiple 6 figure per year success, and help my students do the same will be revealed every step of the way.
Just ask Michel Tremblay, one of our amazing students, what part of this success skills challenge he accepted to reach $101,000 in revenue for 2020 in just 8 months of working with us, and over $35,000 in January and February of 2021 alone. Click the button below to ask Michel anything during my live training on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 11am Pacific.
And you deserve the same type of unique offer - as all of us.
Take 3 days out of your business.
Discover your high-converting niche.
Create the exact high-converting strategy businesses need to solve a deep problem.
Create the chatbot to implement that strategy.
Launch it on day 4.
And start making the money you have always longed for.
We’re tired of seeing good techies and marketers with good intentions for their clients, get beat.
We want to change that.
We want a world where all chat marketers can successfully win in the game of business if they desire too.
And, you don’t need 18 years of paid advertising & chat marketing experience to win big. You can capitalize on my 18 years in successful online business.
Which is why I have been committed to solving this problem for conversational marketers all over the world for over four years.
And yes, we did it.
We found and implemented the answer.
It’s now up to you, on how you want to create your business.
Either try and compete with every other bot builder with simple chatbots and templates, or create your own high-converting solution that your prospects fall in love with.
We’ve done both the simple bot, and high-converting solution.
And I’m telling you, one of those choices is a lot more fun and profitable than the other.
If you want more help building a deeply engaging, conversion based solution for clients who love working with you…
Then you gotta get inside our private, client-only community, and join us for 3 days to get this done with a group of people who believe in you, and help you every step of the way. We won't just point you to a video to learn on your own.
We have 1,700+ conversational marketers who are all building their businesses…
We share what’s working…
And, support each other along the way.
Simply click the button below to join me live as I train on these 3 required skills, or to apply with me, personally to clarify your game plan and see if we’re a good fit for each other.
And, if not, no worries...at least you got your game plan set.
I hope I see you either on this new training, on a call or just joining the bootcamp, because you don't want to wait, and watch other marketers pass you by.
3 days is all you need.
Not 3 months!
And, please not 3 more years!
It’s a total win.
Chat soon,
Your Bot Academy Advocate
Give me 3 days, and I'll give you a high-converting, sellable chat solution, and support you for an entire year afterward to continue your success.
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/Do You Have This Yet):
There are three main skills required to be a successful chat marketer in 2021:
Skill #1: Seriously, you must focus on a specific field or niche.
This is a skill that allows you to solve a deep problem for your clients.
...whatever those problems are.
Skill #2: You must have the ability to build a conversational marketing solution that generates and/or nurtures quality leads and daily sales consistently and predictably by solving a deep problem for clients.
This 2nd skill solves the biggest problem for you, as a business or agency owner - the skill of building a fast growing conversational marketing business.
This is the serious problem most entrepreneurs are facing right now in the marketplace.
Skill #3: You must adapt your mindset to the one you need for success in the next level of your business. THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL SKILL FOR SUCCESS AT ANY LEVEL.
Mindset shifts are never easy, and almost impossible to accomplish alone.If you haven't achieved Skill #1 yet, creating success in the second half of 2021 will be haphazard at best.
Which is why we’ve doubled down on teaching the art of high-converting niche and conversational marketing solutions over the past 4+ years.
With the proper accountability, community and training, you don’t need to stumble and go it alone.
You just need to discover the perfect niche, and build a high converting solution that helps your clients win. All the while, shift your head to accept and perform at the new level of entrepreneurship you are creating.
You’ll never beat the competition by creating a cheap ad, building a simple chatbot, and moving on to the next client. That's a freelancer, and that room is very crowded.
Competition is too fierce and data driven.
You can, however absolutely beat the competition by creating a niche-focused chat solution that solves a deep problem for clients, better than anyone.
You see - people can easily copy ads & sales funnels... but nobody can copy YOU as a marketer or your unique solution.
This is how Bot Academy has had such crazy success the last few years in the chat marketing space.
We didn’t try to beat the competition with ads, fancy templates, or DIY courses.
Those solutions are too noisy and don't even come close to our 80% success rate with students.
We beat the competition by creating a one-of-a-kind LIVE coaching, education and accountability EVENT that nobody else can copy. This event will provide the exact solution creation framework we have used in our niche-focused agency, Messenger Funnels, to create this exact high-converting conversational marketing for our clients. And, the change in thought processes I have had to make to achieve multiple 6 figure per year success, and help my students do the same will be revealed every step of the way.Just ask Michel Tremblay, one of our amazing students, what part of this success skills challenge he accepted to reach $101,000 in revenue for 2020 in just 8 months of working with us, and over $35,000 in January and February of 2021 alone.
And you deserve the same type of unique offer.
Take 5 days out of your business.Discover your high-converting niche. Then, you will be perfectly positioned to create the exact high-converting strategy businesses need to solve a deep problem.
And, start making the money you have always longed for.
We’re tired of seeing good techies and marketers with good intentions for their clients, get beat.
We want to change that.
We want a world where all chat marketers can successfully win in the game of business if they desire too.
And, you don’t need 18 years of paid advertising & chat marketing experience to win big. You can capitalize on my 18 years in successful online business.
Which is why I have been committed to solving this problem for conversational marketers all over the world for over four years.
And yes, we did it.
We found and implemented the answer.
It’s now up to you, on how you want to create your business.
Either try and compete with every other bot builder with simple chatbots and templates, or create your own high-converting solution that your prospects fall in love with.
We’ve done both the simple bot, and high-converting solution.
And I’m telling you, one of those choices is a lot more fun and profitable than the other.
If you want more help building a deeply engaging, conversion based solution for clients who love working with you…
Then you gotta get inside our private, client-only community, and join us for 5 days to get this done with a group of people who believe in you, and help you every step of the way. We won't just point you to a video to learn on your own.
We have 1,700+ conversational marketers who are all building their businesses…
We share what’s working…
And, support each other along the way.
Simply click the button below to join me live as I train on these first required skill of choosing your profitable niche.
I hope I see you in this new Niche to Pitch training, because you don't want to wait, and watch other marketers pass you by.
5 days is all you need.
Not 5 months!
And, please not 5 more years!
It’s a total win.
Chat soon,
Your Bot Academy Advocate
Give me 5 days, and I'll give you the ticket to your own high-converting niche focused agency with rocket boosters ready to fire up!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/How to Choose Your N):
Finally stop bouncing from custom build to custom build.Serve the clients you can impact the most, AND make the most money for. Never again feel the need to justify your high-ticket prices and retainer.READY?
Discover the niche that lights you up AND makes you money
Speak only to those prospects who can afford you.
Get high-ticket clients begging to work with you
WELCOME RULEBREAKERS!When you join our Niche to Pitch Framework, you will also receive some incredible tools:
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Meet Your Trainer, M):
#ChatBotMom will help you discover your profitable niche, and craft the perfect premium pitch, so you can rocket your agency to success with 5 days of live training, tactics and mindset shifts you've probably not tried.
Watch how MKJ went from a "technician" taking any client who would pay her to a Conversational Designer and Marketer for a fun and profitable niche with clients who consider her an EXPERT and can't wait to retain her services. Join now, so she can help you do the same.
This Training is Limited, so ACT NOW to get this live 5 day training for FREE!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/JOIN US NOW!):
Spend 5 days with MKJ, and finally strap on the rocket boosters for your business!
CARDS_ELM..(app_b01/How to Choose Your N):
Finally stop bouncing from custom build to custom build.Serve the clients you can impact the most, AND make the most money for. Never again feel the need to justify your high-ticket prices and retainer.READY?
Discover the niche that lights you up AND makes you money
Speak only to those prospects who can afford you.
Get high-ticket clients begging to work with you
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Discover Your Profit):
When you join our Niche to Pitch Framework, you will also receive some incredible tools:
TEXTMEDIA..(app_b01/Meet Your Trainer, M):
#ChatBotMom will help you discover your profitable niche, and craft the perfect premium pitch, so you can rocket your agency to success with 5 days of live training, tactics and mindset shifts you've probably not tried.
Watch how MKJ went from a "Bot Builder" taking any client who would pay her to a Conversational Designer and Marketer for a fun and profitable niche with clients who consider her an EXPERT and can't wait to retain her services. Join now, so she can help you do the same.
This Training is Limited, so ACT NOW!
By purchasing this product you agree that there are NO REFUNDS of this online, digital course.See the PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE for more details and information.
By purchasing this product you agree that there are NO REFUNDS of this online, digital course.See the PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE for more details and information.
Watch for a message from MKJ in the next day or so with bonus materials, and more info.
In the meantime, here is your private, trackable link to join the training platform for N2P (that's #botnerdspeak for Niche to Pitch)
Watch for a message from MKJ in the next day or so with bonus materials, and more info.
In the meantime, here is your private, trackable link to join the FB group and the training platform for N2P (that's #botnerdspeak for Niche to Pitch)
CONTENT..(app_b01/The 3 Biggest Mistak):
In the 4+ years I've been working in Conversational Marketing, there are 3 big mistakes I've seen marketers make with bots.
1. Niche. The hardest thing most marketers face, and that they almost NEVER want to do is exclude people from their potential conversions. But, this is critical, AND calculable - yes I have a way to logical decide which niche is best for you, and which businesses in that niche can afford your solution.
2. Clarity. Many bot builders also aren't clear about this one essential part of the process to create high-converting conversations... STRATEGY! Being clear on the exact strategy to use for a particular niche business and the desired conversion is also critical to conversational marketing success. What will you use... a quiz, challenge, abandoned cart, webinar, etc.?
3. Iterate. Yes, many marketers simply build an automation, and walk away. Unfortunately, that usually guarantees less than ideal results, because you can only know how good an automation or conversation is when people go through it, and show you how it's working. Iteration has produced a 10X increase in conversions, so DO IT!
I'll share more our masterclass. If you already have the zoom link, I'll see you there! If not, click the link below!
CONTENT..(app_b01/The 3 Biggest Mistak):
In the 4+ years I've been working in Conversational Marketing, there are 3 big mistakes I've seen marketers make with bots.
1. Niche. The hardest thing most marketers face, and that they almost NEVER want to do is exclude people from their potential conversions. But, this is critical, AND calculable - yes, I have a way to logical decide which niche is best for you, and which businesses in that niche can afford your solution.
2. Clarity. Many bot builders also aren't clear about this one essential part of the process to create high-converting conversations... STRATEGY! Being clear on the exact strategy to use for a particular niche business and the desired conversion is also critical to conversational marketing success. What will you use... a quiz, challenge, abandoned cart, webinar, etc.?
3. Iterate. Yes, many marketers simply build an automation, and walk away. Unfortunately, that usually guarantees less than ideal results, because you can only know how good an automation or conversation is when people go through it, and show you how it's working. Iteration has produced a 10X increase in conversions, so DO IT!
I'll share more when we meet for the FREE masterclass.
If you already have the zoom link, you're all set with your ticket to ride the rocket ship! If not, click the button below, and get yours now!
CONTENT..(app_b01/3 Simple Tools You C):
Hey There ~
We all face obstacles in our journey through life, and how we face them shows the impact they will have on our future.
If you've tried to do almost anything to start and/or grow anything over the last 12 months, you know what I'm talking about, right?!
Here are 3 simple tools you can use to quickly turn those obstacles into success:
It's the 3 P's...
Click below to learn more.
CONTENT..(app_b01/The 3 P's to Turn An):
How are you looking at the obstacle, or the difficult situation? I guarantee that if you change the way you look at it, you will see ways to remove the obstacle.
EXAMPLE: Many students come to Bot Academy saying something like this, "I can't find clients to pay me to build a bot." I challenge you to change the way you look at what you do.
Say something like this, and tell me how things change, "I am the CEO of a niche-focused conversational marketing agency, not a bot building contractor, and my only goal is helping the businesses in my niche throw rocket fuel on their marketing and revenue."
The first person is pleading for someone to pay her to build a bot, and the second is demonstrating a deep care and knowledge of the marketing struggles of specific types of businesses.
Ironically, both people are performing the same basic tasks - building bots - but their perception of what they do, and therefore, their projection of what they do for prospects is completely different, and will yield different results!
To uncover the second "P", click the button below!
CONTENT..(app_b01/Ready to use this Co):
One of the things I'll share during our free training together is the conversational lead gen life cycle that we use for our clients in my agency, Messenger Funnels.
I'll show you how we take cold leads, and nurture them via ONE conversation that either allows the subscriber to decide our product/service is not for them and they leave, or warms them up to a customer, and beyond to an ambassador who brings in more cold leads.
If you're looking to use conversational marketing like this, you need to be at this training LIVE, so you can ask questions, and get it to work for your business or agency.
Click the link below, and I'll see you there!
Bot Academy